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World Physical Therapy Day is September 8th

By: Jennifer Heiligman, PT, MPT

Every year World Physical Therapy Day is celebrated on September 8th.  This is the date in 1951 that the World Confederation for Physical Therapy was founded.   This organization is committed to furthering the recognition of the profession of physical therapy for its significant role in improving the health of patients and the community.  In addition to the goal of uniting the profession internationally.  In its efforts to do this, the confederation established World Physical Therapy Day starting in 1996.

Did you know?

The first documented account of physical therapy occurred back in 460 B.C.  Manual manipulation for pain relief was originated by Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine.  He also used water therapy to treat his patients.  Since then, our profession has come a long way as we have developed complex and sophisticated treatment interventions to help patients recover from illness and injury.

Did you know?

In 1921 Mary McMillan, the mother of physical therapy, established the American Women’s Physical Therapeutic Association which later became the American Physical Therapy Association or APTA. 

This year, the theme of the celebration is appropriately promoting the role of the physical therapist in the treatment and management of individuals affected by Long Covid.  The World Confederation for Physical Therapy has created a toolkit to help therapists and practices bring awareness to this important topic.  The toolkit can be found here.  This kit includes information sheets, posters and social media graphics geared toward the general public to help promote the profession.

How to celebrate?

Use the resources included in this toolkit to advertise the day and the theme throughout your practice.  You can use the social media graphics to increase awareness by creating posts on your website and other social media platforms.  In addition, follow  World Physiotherapy on Twitter @WorldPhysio1951, and like and share the postings from their Facebook and Instagram.   Make it a festive atmosphere within your clinic.  Take a little time to bring awareness to all the good a physical therapist does and celebrate our great profession!