Every year on September 8th, physical therapists (aka physiotherapists) around the world celebrate World Physiotherapy Day with a planned theme. This celebration started in 1996 with the date based on when the World Physiotherapy Association was founded in 1951. The association was established to unite the profession internationally. The Day serves as a reminder to take the time and recognize the positive benefits that physical therapists have on individuals and the management of their health and movement. The World Physiotherapy Association has created toolkits and materials to help promote physiotherapy around the world.
The focus for this year’s World PT Day is osteoarthritis, and in 2023 the focus will be on other
rheumatological conditions. The campaign is focused around the following key messages:
**Information taken directly from the World PT Day Toolkit: https://world.physio/wptday/toolkit?lang=10&year=1035&toolkit_type=All
World Physiotherapy encourages member organizations and physiotherapists around the world to use World Physiotherapy’s toolkit to convey these messages to the public and policy makers. Remember to use the hashtag #worldptday if you are promoting on your social media site.
At OptimisPT, our owned and operated clinics will be participating by handing out Osteoarthritis information sheets and displaying World PT Day banners and signs. Our wellness programs will be offering special deals and incentives to promote National PT Day as well.
We hope you’ll join us in promoting World PT Day!